Saturday 16 December 2017

Vocaculary Starter Unit

  • To hire a car: To hire a car, it's to reserve a car for holidays.
  • Go abroad: It's to travel for another countries.
  • Have a lie-in: Sleep with friends.
  • Get sunburned: It's when you put your body at the sun and your body take a red colour.

Vocabulary Unit 1

  • Compulsory: Something you must do.
  • Fair: Of pleasing appearance, especially because of a pure or fresh quality.
  • Feel homesick: When you miss your family, because you are abroad.
  • Easy-going: Someone that it isn't strict.
  • Awful: Something that is extremely bad.
  • Dreadful: Extremely disagreeable.

Thursday 14 December 2017


A plane: The photo shows a plane that is made by humans so it is human greography.
Storm: the image shows trees and a volcano and a thunder storm that are relacionated with the relief of the area. It is physical geography.
Underground water: it shows water jumping out the floor. Humans haven't affect this relief. It is physical geography.
School: the picture shows a school with kids. The school is made by humans so it is human geography.
Countryside: There are trees that are related with the relief and it can be physical geography but there are aspects modificated by human so I think both are correct.
City: There are lots odf skycrepers mades by human and there is a plane created by human. That things are related to human geography.
Roads: Human built all that roads above the countryside. It is a natural relief modificated by humans. It is human geography.
                           Self Evaluation
We haven´t done a lot of homework in this term and I have had fun in Michael's classes.We have also done a lot of boring things but we have to study then.I`m happy with my work and  I think I have worked hard.Maybe I have to improve the blog.In general I have learnt a lot of interestin things:
-About Ireland
-Rules in other countries

Friday 24 November 2017

-The island of Ireland it has two parts: Ireland, also known as the Republic of Ireland, and Northen Ireland, which is part of the U.K
-The capital of Ireland is Dublin
-The capital of Northen Ireland is Belfast
-Riverance it's a very famous show that tells the story of Irland and its people.
-24 million of people and 45 countries has enjoyed the riverance show.
- 4.6 million people live in Ireland
-There is now a statue of Molly Mallone
-The poems allí follow the sames rules

Thursday 9 November 2017

Thursday 19 October 2017


You can't smoke in High school
You musn't drive until 18
You musn' buy alcohol until 18
You can't drink alcohol ultil 18
You can work at 16
You can do tatoos with your parent's permisson
You can't drive a car with out car permission
You can have piercing at any age

Saturday 30 September 2017

SCHOOL YEAR 2017-2018

Thursday 15 June 2017

Auto Evaluation

I think that in this year I learn some thinks about music and mi shame go out,if I have to do the projects that I do at the finish of this years I think that I fail music.Of all the projects that we do the most I like it is the Dum De Dum.And in my opinion I think that some projects are booring but there are other that are very interestings and funny

Monday 12 June 2017

Dum de Dum

Hi,today we make a new project,the Dum de Dum project,in this project Ana try to combinated the music with the movements at the same time,I think that it is so complicated because of our behavior but we finally did it
Here you have the link:


I think too that the movemHi,I think that this video is so good,all the people playing the hands at the same times and created this fantastic sound it's perfect.
ents are simple but when you combinated all together it sound perfect.
Here you have the video:

One two three song

Hi,today we did a fantastic project with Adri.
I love this project because all my embarrassment and I think we do good.
Here you have the link:

Francisco Salinas

Hi,I did a project about Francisco Salinas I liked this project but when i have to present I am a little nervious but I think This course has taken away my shame.
Here you have the project:
Resultado de imagen de francisco salinas


I work with Mario Alonso and we did the work about Javier Fernandez
Here you have the prezi:

Vocabulary Unit 7


Fight:a battle or combat
Throw:to hurl or propel from the hand
Chase:to follow rapidly or intently in order to overtake, etc.;
pursueBite:to cut or tear with the teeth
Kick:to strike with the foot or feet
Sting:to prick or wound (a person or animal) with a sharp-pointed part of the body that often contains poison or venom
Attacks:to attempt to harm in an aggressive way;
begin fighting with
Predators:any organism that exists by preying on another

Vocabulary Unit 6


Astronomer:a person who studies the moon, planets, stars, and the universe
Florist:a person who sells flowers and plants
Pilot:a person qualified to operate an airplane, balloon, or other aircraft
Firefighter:a person who fights fires
Apply for:to make use of as relevant or suitable

Vocabulary Unit 5

Elderly:approaching old age
Toddler:a child who has just started to walk but may be unsteady on his or her feet
Child:a young boy or girl
Baby:an infant or very young child
Retire:to withdraw

Thursday 20 April 2017

Got talent

Here is the vídeo:
His name is Matt McCreary and he is British.He is about eighteen years old.He goes to Got talent to do parkour (it is a sport ir domingo jumps) and freerunning (do acrobstics).
He goes to the next round.I like this man a por because I like parkour and he does parkour in an amazing way

Thursday 30 March 2017


             2 TERM

In my opinion,this term  I liked it,I like the projects but I think that I can improve in all the projects.
My favourite project is my own score.
In this term I think I didn't work very hard and in the next term I want to improve in my behavior and in my effort in this subject.
I liked​ all the projects because I have had fun.
I like this subject but I have to improve my marks


Here  is my rap:

Monday 13 March 2017


- Mozart could write music when he was five.
- Albert Einstein couldn't remember dates.
- Albert Einstein couldn't remember phone numbers.
- Zahra Kell can do amazing tricks.
- HouYifan could play chess when she was three.
- Justin Bieber can solve a Rubik's cube in less than 2 minutes.
- Harrison Ford can drive a helicopter.
- Snoop Dogg can play american football very well.
- Kristen Stewart can juggle.
- Jennifer Garner can play the saxophone.

Thursday 9 March 2017

Unusual Instruments

Hi,I'm going to talk about our last project,I have done the project with David(My classmate),We did a project about the violin piezoletrico,It is an unusual instrument.I like his shape but his sound is so strange.
Here you have the link for the prezi:

Monday 13 February 2017

Music Proyect

Hi,there is a new proyect,today we did our own score,I like too much this proyect becouse I never did my own score.
There you have:

Unit 4

Climb up:to go up or ascend
Crawl under:To move with the head or face downward and the body close to the ground, or on the hands and knees.
Dive into:to plunge into water, esp. headfirst
Fall off:to drop or come down under the force of gravity
Hop onto:to make a short, bouncing leap, as a rabbit does
Jump over:to leap or spring off the ground or other support by a sudden muscular effort
Run around:to go quickly by moving the legs more rapidly than at a walk
Slide down:to (cause to) move in continuous contact with a smooth or slippery surface
Stand down:to be in an upright position on the fee
Swim through:to move in water by using the limbs, fins, tail, etc.
Walk along:to move on foot at a moderate pace or speed, usually naturally, normally, and without hurry

Unit 3

To run out:to go quickly by moving the legs more rapidly than at a walk
Fossil fuels:the preserved remains, or an imprint, of an organism from a former age
Pollution:the act of polluting or the state of being polluted
Eco-friendly:having a beneficial effect on the environment or at least not causing environmental damage
Greenhouse:a building, room, or area, usually chiefly of glass, used for growing tender plants or plants out of season.
Global warming:an increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere, causing changes in climate.
Wind power:power derived from wind: used to generate electricity or mechanical power.
Oil:any of a large group of liquid substances that are thick, smooth, sticky, and sometimes easy to burn, taken from the ground, or from the fat of animals, or from plants, used variously in cooking, heating, and providing power in engines, and to make connecting parts run smoother

Saturday 11 February 2017

Clouds of words

Hi,here we have a new proyect,we have to take a figure,a music figure and with words we have to put the figure.Hi
I work with Adrian and Bea and I   think that it is a insteresting proyect,I like it

Friday 20 January 2017

Predictions for the year 2100

 Cars will  fly
Robots will clean the house
We will live under water
Robots will be doctors
Robots will be teachers
People will live in the moon
People will go to mars
The earth will be polluted
The cars will be eco-friendly
The houses will fly

Self-assestment Now I can do a lot of things that I couldn´t do when I started this year,I think I have improved in listening and the most ...